
I am an electrical engineer, who graduated from Electrical Engineering at the University of Indonesia in 1994. As a fresh graduate, the first time I worked as a production supervisor in Japanese electronic parts manufacturing was after getting training in production and utility systems in Kyushu, Japan, for a couple of months. After successfully reaching smooth line operation as in Japan, I received another challenge in Taiwanese TV/Monitor company as Dept. Head of Production Engineering/Ass. Plant Manager, with the main focus on reducing downtime, reducing reworks, etc.

With some success working in manufacturing, I received the next challenge as a productivity consultant in a famous consulting/implementing company from the USA, with the main focus being to help clients reduce operating costs, which means people, quality, and energy efficiency. Because of my strong engineering background, in August 1997, I was chosen to be a technical expert by being invited to attend the Technical Services training at the headquarters, in Punta Gorda, Florida, USA. There, I was taught by the super senior expert in technical services, how to help clients save energy, from the early results to long-range programs. Returning from Punta Gorda, I was assigned to help clients in several Southeast Asian countries, like Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and also Taiwan, with more focus on energy savings than productivity.

Based on my energy experiences, I got a scholarship from the DAAD (German: to attend the Postgraduate Program Renewable Energy at the Universität Oldenburg, Germany (, and received a Master of Renewable Energy (MSc.rer.nat) in 2004. After returning from Germany, I worked for a couple of months in a palm oil plantation company as an internal consultant and project management officer, focusing mainly on analyzing the energy availability for palm oil processing and controlling the progress of new estate extensions. Then, I continued my success with a challenging position in senior management at a textile processing company in Bandung, Indonesia. Here, I had more flexibility and responsibilities to implement not only productivity but, of course, energy efficiency programs, with results such as; reduced consumption of electricity, steam, coal, oil, and water.

Again, with the energy success, I got the invitation in 2007 to become an assistant professor in the field of energy, at a private university, near Tokyo, Japan The focus of my research was the application of renewable energy for domestic applications, such as solar photovoltaic for electricity supply and solar thermal for water and room heating. I have already presented my research at international conferences in Europe, the US, Australia, Hong Kong, and Japan. After returning from Japan in 2012, I continued working as a senior consultant and project director for an international productivity implementing company and handled some clients from multinational companies. All the projects were finished, and the savings results were higher than what was promised to the client.

With more than 25 years of experience in the field of productivity and energy in various manufacturing companies and foreign consulting firms, I not only know the problems of industries in many countries but also understand the issues from all sectors of industry and services, such as; electronic assembly, textiles, and garments, supermarkets, cement, rubber gloves, mushroom processing, food processing, wood and furniture, injection molding, etc. As a general description of myself, I am balanced in managerial and technical skills, excellent strategic and positive thinking; team player; strong leader, and problem solver; result-oriented; high integrity; excellent interpersonal skills; work smart; efficient; effective; strong analysis; fast learner; self-confident; energetic; focused, self-motivated; high enthusiasm; high initiative; high commitment to the environment and safety; and I always play a key role and position within companies by applying a full professional approach.

So, with experience working as a researcher at a Japanese university, and supported by a long working experience in the industry and an educational background in renewable energy, I have now devoted myself to becoming a researcher and lecturer at the Graduate School of Renewable Energy – Darma Persada University, Jakarta, Indonesia. I have a responsibility to give a lecture, ie: Energy Audit and Conservation Program, World and Indonesian Energy Overview (Production, Consumption, Policy, etc), General Overview of Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydropower, etc), Solar Energy Conversion Technology, etc. I have published many research papers in reputable international journals.


Note: A full CV will be provided upon request.