
  • Hilmi E, Yandri E, Uhanto U, Saiful R, Hamja N. Hybrid Energy Solutions for Sustainable Offshore Oil and Gas Operations : Leveraging Thermoelectric , Solar , and Wind Potential. Leuser J Environ Stud 2024;2:52–61.
  • Candra A, Yandri E, Saiful R, Uhanto U, Hilmi E, Hamja N. Optimizing Compressed Air Operations for Electrical Energy Savings : A Case Study in Pharmaceutical Packaging Manufacturing. Grimsa J Sci Eng Technol 2024;2.
  • Saiful R, Yandri E, Hilmi E, Nasrullah N, Uhanto U, Fitriani F. Optimizing Motorcycle Manufacturing Sustainability through the Integration of Waste Heat Recovery and Metal Scrap Recycling : A Process Engineering Approach. Leuser J Environ Stud 2024;2:75–85.
  • Hamja N, Yandri E, Hilmi E, Uhanto U, Saiful R. Potential for Electrical Energy Savings in AC Systems by Utilizing Exhaust Heat from Outdoor Unit. Heca J Appl Sci 2024;2.
  • Uhanto U, Yandri E, Hilmi E, Saiful R, Hamja N. Predictive Maintenance with Machine Learning : A Comparative Analysis of Wind Turbines and PV Power Plants. Heca J Appl Sci 2024;2:87–98.
  • Lodewijk DPY, Yandri E, Murdiyansah N, Ariati R. Cultivating Energy Conscious Communities: The Path to Increased Efficiency. Heca J Appl Sci 2024;2:35–45.
  • Murdiyansyah N, Yandri E, Lodewijk DPY, Ariati R. Leading Light: The Impact of Advanced Lighting Technologies on Indonesia’s Office Industry. Leuser J Environ Stud 2024;2:1–11.
  • Yandri E, Pramono KP, Sihombing V, Effendi LH, Ardianto D, Setyobudi RH, et al. Recent Research Progress on Sustainable Energy Management System Based on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. BIO Web Conf 2024;104.
  • Yandri E, Viridi S, Hariadi RF. Proposed model and strategy for Indonesian higher education facing technological disruption and Industrial Revolution 4.0 using Newton’s Laws analogy. Sinergi (Indonesia) 2023;27:383–92.
  • Pasinrangi H, Suryana F, Ramadhan G, Hendrianto C, Yandri E, Ariati R, et al. Comparative Analysis of Energy Efficiency Programs in Large ASEAN Industries with Sustainable Energy Indicators. E3S Web Conf 2023;432.
  • Yandri E, Idroes R, Maulana A, Zahriah Z. Design Concept of Information Control Systems for Green Manufacturing Industries with IoT-Based Energy Efficiency and Productivity 2023;1:9–17.
  • Martoyoedo S, Priyadi P, Fajrie D, Ariati R, Yandri E, Hendroko Setyobudi R, et al. Incentive Strategy for Energy Efficiency Programs in Industries Consuming 6 000 TOE/year with Sustainable Energy Performance. E3S Web Conf 2023;374.
  • Yandri, E., & Hagino, N. (2022). Joule heating estimation of photovoltaic module through cells temperature measurement. International Journal of PowerElectronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 13(2), 1–10.
  • Yandri, E., Pramudito, P., Ronald, R., Ardiani, Y., Ariati, R., Setyobudi, R. H., Widodo, W., Zahoor, M., Zekker, I., & Lomi, A. (2021). Technical Design of Aluminium Scrap Processing Machines by Utilization of Direct Exhaust Air using Conveyor Drying System. 30(4), 9–11.
  • Yandri, E. Modeling Joule Heating Effect on Thermal Efficiency of Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Collectors with Operation Mode Factor (OMF). Appl. Sci. 202212, 742.
  • Yandri E. et al., “Reducing Energy and Water Consumption in Textile Dyeing Industry with Cleaner Production by Inlet-Outlet Modification to Reuse Wastewater,” Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. A. Phys. Comput. Sci., vol. 58, no. S, pp. 49–58, 2021.
  • Setyobudi RH, Yandri E, Fayiz M, Atoum M, Nur M, Zekker I, et al. Healthy-Smart Concept as Standard Design of Kitchen Waste Biogas Digester for Urban Households 2021;14:613–20.
  • Yandri E, Novianto B, Fridolini F, Hendroko Setyabudi R, Wibowo H, Krido Wahono S, et al. The Technical Design Concept of Hi-Tech Cook Stove for Urban Communities using Non-Wood Agricultural Waste as Fuel Sources. E3S Web Conf 2021; 226: 00015.
  • Yandri E, Hendroko Setyobudi R, Susanto H, Abdullah K, Adhi Nugroho Y, Krido Wahono S, et al. Conceptualizing Indonesia’s ICT-based Energy Security Tracking System with Detailed Indicators from Smart City Extension. E3S Web Conf., Vol. 188, 2020.
  • Yandri E, Ariati R, Uyun AS, Setyobudi RH. Potential Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Applications in a Small Industrial Laundry: A Practical Study of Energy Audit. E3S Web Conf 2020; 00008.
  • Yandri E, Ariati R, Uyun AS, Setyobudi RH, Anne O, Susanto H, et al. Implementation of walk-through audits for designing energy management system: A first step towards an efficient campus. IOP Conf Ser Earth Environ Sci 2020;490.
  • Yandri E. Development and experiment on the performance of polymeric hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collector with halogen solar simulator. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells 2019;201:110066.
  • Yandri E. Methods for the development and testing of polymeric hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector for indoor experiments. MethodsX 2019;6:2620–35.
  • Yandri E. Dataset of the PV surface temperature distribution when generating electricity (PV-On) and without generating electricity (PV-Off) using Halogen Solar Simulator. Data Br 2019;27:104578.
  • Yandri E., Uniformity characteristic and calibration of simple low cost compact halogen solar simulator for indoor experiments. Int J Low-Carbon Technol 2018:1–13. doi:10.1093/ijlct/cty018.
  • Yandri E, Ariati R, Ibrahim RF. Meningkatkan Keamanan Energi Melalui Perincian Indikator Energi Terbarukan dan Efisiensi Guna Membangun Ketahanan Nasional (Improving energy security through detailing the Renewable Energy and Efficiency Indicators to build national resilience from the re. J Ketahanan Nas 2018;24:239–60.
  • Yandri E., Ariati R., Ibrahim R., Improving Energy Security Model through Detailing Renewable and Energy Efficiency Indicators: A Concept for Manufacture Industry, Seminar Nasional Energi dan Industri Manufaktur SIGER 2017; Universitas Lampung, 7-8 November 2017,
  • Yandri E. The Effect of Joule Heating to Thermal Performance of hybrid PVT Collector during Electricity Generation. Renew Energy 2017;Volume 111:Pages 344–352.
  • Yandri E., Detailing the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Indicators fo Improving the Energy Security Model of Indonesia? A Preliminary Research, DAAD Asian Alumni Workshop, “Resilience Energy Systems”, 16-20 May, 2016, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Yandri E., Hagino N., Imada H., Itako K., Yoshida H., Basic Characteristics of A Compact PV/T Simulator, Submitted paper for ASME Power Conference (Power 2012), July 30-Augus 3, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA.
  • Yandri E., Hagino N., Imada H., Itako K., Yoshida H.,, Effect of Internal Heating on Therma Performance of Hybrid Photovotaic & Thermal (PV/T) Collector, Solar Word Congress 2011, Kassel, Germany 2011
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Yoshida H., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga., Performance of Photovoltaic and Thermal (PV/T) Collector with Single and Double Generation, Proceedings of Renewable Energy 2010, Yokohama, Japan 2010
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Ito S., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga., Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic and Thermal (PV/T) Collector With and Without Electricity Generation, published in Proceedings of The ASME 2009 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, San Francisco, July 19-23, 3009
  • Yandri E., Yoshida H., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Study of Dual Heat Source of Heat Pump: Air Source and Water Heat Source, Proceedings of Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, July 9-11, 2009, Naha, Okinawa, Japan
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Studies on Space Heating System with Storage Tanks under the Floor Using a Solar Collector Assisted Heat Pump System, (in reviewing process) Journal of Energy and Building, Published by Elsevier
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Performance Evaluation of the First outdoor Thermosyphon with Heat Source near the Top and Heat Sink at the Bottom during Winters, Springs, and Summers, Proceedings of Int. Conference of Applied Energy 2008, Hong Kong, January 5-7, 2009
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Experimental Studies on Space Heating System with Storage Tanks under the Floor using a Solar Collector Assisted with Heat Pump System, Proceedings of International Conference of Applied Energy 2008, Hong Kong, January 5-7 January, 2009
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Performance of Air Source Heat Pump Connected in Series using Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Collector as Second Evaporator for Water Heating System, (To be presented) Proceedings of Japan Solar Energy Society 2009, Tottori – Japan, November 6–7, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Performance Evaluation of the First outdoor Thermosyphon with a Heat Source near the Top and Heat Sink near the Bottom in the Winter and Springs, (To be presented) Proceedings of International Solar Energy Society of Asia Pacific 2008, Sydney – Australia, November 25–28, 2008
  • Yandri E., Design Integration of Shop Floor Control (SFC) Through Selected Key Performance Indicator (KPI) with Information Technology to a Dashboard System in a Smake Medium Indsutry (A Case of Experience), Proceedings of The 2nd International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management, Jakarta – Indonesia, October 25th, 2008
  • Yandri E., Suratno W., Potential Cost Reduction in Water Consumption for Dyeing Finishing Textile Industry by Implementing Cleaner Production (A Case Study), Proceedings of The 2nd International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management, Jakarta – Indonesia, October 25th, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Study Performances of Thermosyphon with Heat Source near the Top and Heat Sink at the Bottom, Proceedings of Eurosun 2008, Lisabon – Portugal, October 7–10, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Study on Thermal Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Collectors with and without Electricity Generation, Proceedings of Eurosun 2008, Lisabon – Portugal, October 7–10, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Development of Thermosyphon with Heat Source near the Top and Heat Sink at the Bottom, Proceedings of Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, Chiba University, Chiba – Japan, September 9-11, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Innovative Studies of Solar Thermal Energy for Space Heating and Water Heating Applications Assisted with Heat Pumps System, Proceedings of Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, Chiba University, Chiba – Japan, September 9-11, 2008
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., Performance of CO2 Heat Pumps for Water Heating Application as Preliminary Study for Dual Heat Sources and Hybrid CO2 Heat Pump and Hybrid Photovoltaic and Thermal (PV/T), Proceedings of ASCON; Energy & Environment, Innovative Energy & Environmental Chemical Engineering, August 31 – September 2, 2008, Sapporo, Japan
  • Yandri E., Miura N., Kawashima T., Fujisawa T., Yoshinaga M., CO2 as Refrigerant for Water Heater Heat Pump, Comparing Performance during Nighttime and Daytime in Winter Time, Proceedings of Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, July 10-11, 2008, Tokyo, Japan