Introduction General Overview Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role in the global economy, contributing...
energy efficiency
Ayub Timba1, Erkata Yandri1,2,*, Widi Banu Santoso1, Rendy Sidharta1, Zulhidayat Mukhayat Panjaitan1, Gede Arya Rachman1, Ratna Ariati1...
Isu energy security masih di level Pemerintah Pusat sehingga Pemerintah Daerah belum memberikan kontribusi yang maksimal.
Perlu adanya Kerjasama antara seluruh steakholder dimana pemangku kebijakan, private company, konsultan rnergi management untuk bersama-sama sadar...
“Design concept of information control systems for green manufacturing industries with IoT-based energy efficiency and productivity”
“As a...
From the analysis, the melting process of the core process still uses 50% of raw materials from...
This paper is presented to discuss the technical modification process of dyeing production machines,
which reuse process wastewater...
Sheet Glass Industry is one industry that uses 75 % natural gas energy and 25 % electricity....
The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential for energy savings because the laundry industry...
Jika memang ingin mendidik bangsa ini lebih peduli dengan energi, maka lakukanlah program penghematan dengan konsep dan...