The need for beef in Indonesia continues to increase. In 2020, it will require imports of 300 thousand t of meat or the equivalent of 1.7 × 106 cattle a year. To overcome the problem, the biogas-energized livestock feed making machine (copper) was designed. The advantage of this copper is the process of making the livestock feed can efficient and effective. Results of the calculations, known that with increasing miller rotation output, the resulting capacity shows an increase. Also, it can use drive motors that are available on the market with a power capacity of 50 W. Hence; this machine is very efficient in the use of electricity, high economic value, convenient and easy move to other places. Electricity for the engine is designed with renewable energy, namely biogas from co-digestion substrates namely animal feed waste, kitchen waste, cow dung and excreta disposal from septic tanks. This co-generation is expected to improve the life of the breeders.
Keyword: Copper / livestock feed / renewable energy / waste to energy / zero waste / economic value